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Enterprise Information Architecture for Gen AI and Machine Learning

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Generative AI or Gen AI caught the imagination of the web-using public at the beginning of 2023, racking up millions of users and attracting the attention of CIOs everywhere. In this paper, we describe and discuss the nature of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) and the data fabric requirements for Gen AI and machine learning (ML) using the Solix Common Data Platform (CDP) as a reference point.

The SOLIXCloud Solution Architecture is an Enterprise Information Architecture. Architectures of this kind can be viewed as an “Enterprise Operating System” that orchestrates a data fabric, a multi-cloud IT environment and DevOps management software, serving a diverse user population with applications and services. SOLIXCloud’s newly released AI products, Solix ML and Solix GPT, illustrate this as they are in effect applications that can be deployed within the EIA. Aside from their impressive functionality, among the benefits they bring is that they are fully integrated within the corporate computing environment.

The primary goal of this paper is to discuss the coherent adoption of both AI and Gen AI within the context of a functional Enterprise Information Architecture (EAI).

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“Enterprise Information Architecture for Gen AI and Machine Learning” Solix Technologies, Inc.
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About the Author:

Robin Bloor Robin Bloor is a leading authority ansd influencer in the industry. In his role as an industry analyst, Robin has become an influential commentator on many corporate IT issues and is in great demand as a presenter at conferences, user groups and seminars addressing audiences across the world on a variety of technology topics from eCommerce through to IT Strategy and trends.